Protect and Preserve

‘Ear care’ can help you avoid severe hearing loss, and in doing so help you avoid the possible associated health problems — like depression, heart disease and dementia.

The main ways to take care of your ears are to: avoid putting things in your ear (that includes cotton buds or “Q-tips”!); see a doctor if you experience ear pain and suspect infection; and limit or avoid loud noise exposure.

say no to q-tips

Loud noise exposure is one of the most common hearing-health hazards. Just like smoking and sunbaking, many of us were never warned how damaging loud noise can be to our ears. And just like the consequences of smoking and sunbaking, it’s a lot easier to prevent noise-induced hearing loss than it is to treat it.

The good news is, it’s never too late to start looking after your ears. Even if you notice your hearing deteriorating, taking simple steps now can prevent it from worsening, and dramatically improve your wellbeing.

You can start by taking the Blamey Saunders hears ‘speech perception’ hearing test. Find it at

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